Effective date: 1st June 2020

Important Please read these terms of use (“Terms”) carefully before using the website guthealthspecialist.com (“the site”), as they affect your legal rights and obligations.


This website is owned and operated by AMANDA WRIGHT.

By using “the site”, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, Disclaimer and any additional terms and conditions that may apply to specific sections of “the Site” or products and services available through “the Site”. 

We reserve the right to change these Terms of Service or to impose new conditions on use of “the Site” at any time. In which case, we will post the updated Terms of Service on this website. By continuing to use “the Site” after we post any updates to the Terms of Service, you accept the Terms of Service as revised and dated.

Intellectual Property Rights

“The Site” and all the materials available on “the Site” are the property of AMANDA WRIGHT, third party sites or affiliate partners, and protected by copyright and trademark laws. “The Site” is provided for your personal non-commercial use. You cannot use “the Site” or information products or services on “the Site” in a way that constitutes an infringement of our rights or has not been authorized by us. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, tweet, transit, translate, sell, create works, exploit, or distribute in any format including email or other electronic means, any material from “this Site”. You are allowed to download information provided that you abide by the copyright and trademark laws.

If you wish to upload and post content to “the Site” (including comments, blog post entries, social media postings, photos and videos and any other approved content), you confirm that you are the owner of the material. When posting content of others (if applicable), you do so with their consent. You also agree that you are thirteen years or older.

All content emailed and submitted to “the Site”, is subject to modification and published on our website under copyright and trademark laws. All information submitted by you automatically permits us to identify you as the author and your photograph if applicable. We reserve the right to remove any information provided by you to “the Site” at any time without notice. 

You are not permitted to provide links to external websites without our prior approval. Approval to post external links on “the Site” is by submitting your request in writing to the guthealthspecialist@gmail.com.

Online Commerce

The “Shop” section of “the Site” allows you to purchase many different types of products and services that are provided by “the Site” and third party services.

“The Site is responsible for the delivery of products and services that you purchase directly from “the Site”. When you are directed to an external third party link to purchase a product or service, “the Site” is no longer responsible for that purchase.

When you shop on “the Site”, and are directed to an external third-party link and make a purchase from a third party, we are not responsible for the quality, delivery, accuracy, reliability and guarantees of different products and services offered from third party services. We are also not responsible for purchasing and merchant handling procedures from third party websites. 

When visiting a third-party website, and making a purchase, please visit that websites Terms of Service, their merchants handling procedures of your information and refund policy. We cannot be held accountable for damages that you incur from purchasing third party products and services or claims that you bring against third party services. Your concerns regarding disputes with third parties must be addressed directly with that third-party company.

You agree to be financially responsible for your purchases made on “the Site”, or for all purchases made on your behalf. You agree to purchase products from “the Site” for legitimate, non-commercial purposes only and not use the products for fraudulent purposes. You agree to buy products for yourself or on behalf of another person with their consent.

Refund Policy

Your purchase of a product or service from AMANDA WRIGHT may or may not provide a refund.

There is no refund for products and services purchased up to the value of AUD$100. Please refer to the terms and conditions and refund policy for all other products and services from AMANDA WRIGHT before making a purchase. 

For refunds from third parties, please refer to the relevant third parties refund policy on their website.

Subscription Services

From time to time, we will offer subscription-based services. When you open a subscription account, you agree to pay the monthly subscription. We may increase the subscription fee at any time and terminate any account at any time for any reason. Your subscription will automatically renew, and your credit card automatically charged on your payment plan agreement terms. If payment is unsuccessful after three attempts, we will email you for new payment details and if this is not provided we reserve the right to disable your account. You are required to pay any amounts owed to us at the time your account is suspended or terminated.

If you wish to cancel a subscription to “the Site”, please email us at guthealthspecalist@gmail.com

Limitation of Liability

Site development

“The Site” is continuously under development, and AMANDA WRIGHT makes no warranty of any kind, implied or express, as to its accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for any purpose.

Health & Wellness Content

AMANDA WRIGHT offers health, wellness, nutritional and lifestyle information designed for educational purposes only. We take your health seriously; however, the information provided on “the Site” is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions or concerns around your health, you should always seek professional advice. If you are already seeing a healthcare practitioner, please continue your treatment program, do not substitute the information on this site for any treatment currently undergoing. Please consult with your doctor when considering any nutritional supplements, so that to, to evaluate any possible contraindications and reactions with any medication or other supplements you are currently taking. Use any information provided on this website solely at your own risk.

Any information provided this site or available through any third-party services are not intended to diagnosis, treat or heal any health conditions.  

By providing us with your email address, you agree to subscribe to our newsletter and bound by our terms of service, privacy policy and disclaimer. 

Dispute Resolution

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and constructed following the laws in Victoria, Australia. Any dispute shall be subject to binding arbitration in Bendigo or Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Class Action Waiver

You may only resolve disputes with us on an individual basis. You may not bring a claim as a plaintiff or a class member in a class consolidated, or representative action.


If any clause within this Provision (other than class action waiver clause above) is found to be illegal or unenforceable, that clause will be served from this Provision and the remainder of this Provision will be given full force and effect. If the Class Action Waiver clause is found to be illegal or unforeseeable, this entire Provision will be unenforceable, and a court will decide the dispute.

These Terms of Service were last updated on 1st June 2020.

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