
Inside the gut microbiome live between 300 to 1000 different species of bacteria that make up the digestive system, and this represents about 0.3% of total body weight, about 1-3kgs.

The different species of bacteria that live inside the gut microbiome are also called microorganisms and contain viruses and fungi.

For optimal gut health, gut bacteria should consist of 80-85% good bacteria (the good guys) and 15-20% bad bacteria, (the bad guys).

The role of the good bacteria is to digest food, regulate hormones, remove toxins and process essential nutrients. The role of the bad bacteria is to keep the immune system on high alert. The good and bad bacteria work symbiotically together, to promote homeostasis, a natural state of balance and harmony in the body.

bacterial strain3d illustration

Problems only start to occur when the harmful bacteria (the bad guys) run rampant, decide to have a party, invite all their friends and take over your gut microbiome, leaving no or little room for the good bacteria (the good guys).

Why is this a problem? Because digestive issues are now knocking at the front door. 

What digestive issues can a person expect?

Commons symptoms include: 

Stomach Pain

If symptoms persist, these can develop into gut health problems like:

stomach pain women

What causes these digestive issues & problems?

5-Key areas identified that cause poor gut health: 

Natural Oil

How can we help you improve digestive health?

As a professional naturopath and gut health specialist, Amanda works closely with each individual to find the root cause of your digestive issues. With over a decade of experience, she coaches every client back to wellness using practical and evidence-based plant & nutritional medicine.

Amanda’s areas of expertise include: 

Amanda will take a full case history, and request blood tests, stool and urine analysis. After getting a full picture of the presenting condition, Amanda will recommend non-invasive techniques that include: 


Whatever course of treatment we recommend at Erba health clinic, we endeavour to have you returned to wellness in the quickest, most practical and safest time frame possible. 

Take the first step to better gut health today!

Start your health journey now, and learn how to heal, with practical, evidence-based advice from our friendly gut health specialist Amanda.

What Are You Waiting For...

Discover how to stop gut health problems and reverse pain and disease once and for all!
Book a free 15-minute discovery call with us now, and find out how we can help you.
Fill out our contact form today! 

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