How to Protect Against Viruses Naturally?

Discover how to protect yourself against viruses such as Coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, SARS, Ebola & Influenza. 


The outbreak of the pandemic Coronavirus, in 2020, has changed our lives forever with countries shutdown across the world.

Although this was an unfortunate event, the rate of infection and death rate was far less than predicted. Also, those that caught the virus, over 85% recovered in Australia, thanks to the bodies innate ability to fight off viral infection naturally by producing immune system anti-bodies. More on this in a moment.

It is true, however, that the elderly, immune-compromised and those with pre-existing health conditions are going to be most at risk of catching an infection. 

However, what can we all do to protect ourselves against viruses and the risk of catching an infection?

In this article, we provide a brief history of where viruses come from, how they replicate in the body and what you can do to protect you and your family against viruses naturally.

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History of Viruses – where did they originate?

Viruses are nothing new. Histological data shows that they have been around millions of years. According to Caetano-Anolle’s microbial family tree, it suggests viruses and bacteria share a common ancestor – a fully functioning, self-replicating cell that lived around 3.4 billion years ago, and 1.5 billion years ago, 66 virus-specific protein folds came on to the scene armed with the machinery to break into host cells.

The ability to break into host cells means viruses can hack inside the cell membrane and replicate inside your body. 

Let’s investigate what this means further.

Your body contains 100 trillion microscopic cells, and a virus can attack any of these cells or go after specific cells like in the case of the Coronavirus, it targets cells of the respiratory system.

The most common way to catch a virus, like the common cold, flu or coronavirus is from droplets of mucus or saliva. When someone coughs or sneezes, and sprays infected-droplets of mucus or saliva into the air, if your nearby and breath them in, then you can catch that infection.

How does a virus replicate in your body?

  1. A virus or bacteriophage enters the body and breaks the host cell open, just like when a mosquito when bits you.
  2. The phage (virus) then penetrates its DNA in the host cell.
  3. The phage (virus) DNA replicates, and phage proteins produced.
  4. The Phage (virus) maturation occurs & the new phage particles are ready to be released into the body.
  5. The new phage particles (virus) is now released from the host cell and goes on to invade other cells, and replication starts all over again, with the virus invading your body.  

See Diagram 1, Virus replication in the body.

When a virus enters your body and replicates, provided your immune system has all the necessary armor and protection, it will tag the virus for destruction and get rid of it. Most people make a full recovery this way. 

However, if you don’t arm your immune system with the right armor and protection, you can become vulnerable for a virus to spread and replicate quickly. 


Diagram 1, Virus replication in the body


How to provide your immune system with the right armor and protection to fight off a virus?

Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle.

If you consume a diet high in proceeded and refined foods, drink alcohol regularly, smoke, and don’t exercise, you are not providing your body with the right conditions to promote a robust, healthy immune system to fend off viruses.

How to promote a healthy lifestyle?

Follow the following lifestyle tips to help promote a healthy lifestyle:

  • Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables, preferably organic whenever possible
  • Avoid alcohol, or only drink in moderation
  • Get 8 hours sleep per night
  • Exercise regularly 3-4x a week
  • Go for walks by the beach or in nature
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Minimize stress
  • Calm the mind with meditation & mindfulness techniques
  • Practice good hygiene, wash your hands
  • Don’t smoke
  • Take up an enjoyable hobby
  • Join a group
  • Keep warm
man with the dog

Diet and your immune system:

Consume a diet rich in micronutrients, anti-inflammatory & antiviral foods:

Below is a list of foods and herbs that can help regulate and support your immune system:

Vitamins C foods: oranges, grapefruit, clementine’s, tangerines, lemons, limes, red bell peppers, spinach, Aloe Vera juice, pineapple, raw cabbage, tomatoes, sweet potatoes.

Vitamin E foods: Almonds, hazelnuts, egg yolk, sunflowers, wheat germ. 

Zinc foods: Capsicum, egg yolks, ginger, herrings, lamb, oysters, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, seafood, whole grains. 

Selenium foods: Barley, broccoli, brazil nuts, butter, cashews, celery, eggs, fish, mackerel, oysters, onions, turnip, whole grains.

B6 foods: Avocado, bananas, carrot, chicken, egg yolk, legumes, lentils, mackerel, oats, salmon, tuna, sunflower seeds, walnuts.

Folic acid foods: beans, eggs, endive, green leafy vegetables, lentils, sprouts.

Antiviral herbs: garlic, elderberry, oregano, sage, basil, fennel, lemon balm, peppermint, rosemary, liquorice, astragalus.

Immune modulating herbs: Echinacea, Korean Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng, reishi, shiitake, withania.

Anti-inflammatory herbs: Ginger, turmeric, green tea, white willow bark, chili peppers.



Combining a healthy diet and lifestyle with a wide variety of micronutrients, anti-inflammatory & antiviral foods, on an on-going basis is going go a long way in helping to protect you and your family naturally against viral infections. 

If you struggle to consume a wide range of all the foods mentioned, you can supplement with recommended health products like Mountaindrop Shilajit, which can help to promote a healthy immune system. 

For more information on Shilajit, please go to the shop page.


More information

If you would like more information on how other support strategies can help protect you and your family against viruses naturally, check out the following tools and resources below.

Gut Healing program 

If you are currently experiencing any gut health issues such as bloating, leaky gut, constipation or diarrhea, you may have a weakened immune system. 

If you have any concerns about a weakened immune system, please download the Free program “5-Steps to Amazing Gut Health, Cleanse, Heal & Thrive” and discover more ways that you can support your immune system and protect your whole family today.

 “5-Steps to Amazing Gut Health, Cleanse, Heal & Thrive.” 

Healy Medical Device

An energy frequency device to rebalance cellular frequency.

If you are looking for more ways to help support immunity naturally, consider rebalancing energy frequencies in your body with the Healy Medical device. FDA approved in Europe this device emits 144,000 frequencies of energy directed straight to areas in the body where it is most needed to correct cellular imbalances using quantum physics technology.

When a cell becomes normalized with the correct energy frequencies, it becomes a less likely target for viruses and disease.

Discover more on how you can correct cellular imbalances with quantum physics technology and help protect you and your family against viruses naturally.

Find out more about the Healy Medical Device Now.

Healy Medical Device



The Nutrient Bible, 8th edition by Henry Osiecki

The Herbal Compendium, by Kerry Bone

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