How to Heal a Leaky Gut?

What does it mean to have leaky gut syndrome?

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The term “leaky gut” has gained a lot of attention in recent years and is more common than you think.

If you have ever experienced embarrassing gas, uncomfortable bloating, acid reflux, heartburn or constipation, then you may have leaky gut syndrome.

Other terms that describe Leaky gut syndrome are intestinal permeability or ammonia permeability.

What does it mean to have Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Inside your gut, (the stomach & intestines), you have a protective lining one layer thick. This layer stops your food that gets broken down in your stomach from directly entering your bloodstream and sending your immune system into chaos.


Simply put it, this single layer inside your stomach consists of tiny epithelium cells that are glued together with tight intersections called proteins. These intersections form a solid concrete structure known as your defence system and stops food, drinks, prescription medications, pollutants and microscopic organisms that enter your gut, pass directly into your bloodstream undigested. 

If contents that entered the stomach, were allowed to pass directly into your bloodstream undigested, this would provoke an immune response and a chain reaction of events that causes utter calamity in your body. 

Fortunately, this calamity does not happen when your stomach lining remains intact, and the normal digestion process takes place as nature intended. Food enters the stomach, stomach acid get released, bacteria killed, and proteins broken down. Digested food then passes from the stomach and enters the small intestine for further break-down and assimilation of nutrients.

Digestion runs smoothly when the solid concrete structure inside your stomach remains intact & epithelium cells stay healthy; however, problems start to occur when the tight intersections in the stomach lining become unstuck, and holes start to appear. 

healthy gut

Things like an acidic foods & drinks, poor diet & lifestyle, chronic stress, medications, bacterial contaminations, and a weak immune system can all be driving factors that force holes between the tight intersections to appear. Think of leaky guttering on a roof that has come loose and fallen away from the downpipe and starts to leak water everywhere. You repair the leaky gutter with the right tools, fixtures and fittings. Same goes for the leaks in a leaky gut these can be glued back together with the proper nutrition, supplements, herbs and lifestyle conditions.

What are the symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Symptoms of the leaky gut syndrome include but are not limited to bloating, indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, gas, constipation, diarrhoea, headaches, brain fog, headaches, memory loss, insomnia, excessive fatigue, hair loss, skin rashes, acne, eczema, rosacea, sugar cravings, food sensitivities, arthritis, joint pain, insulin resistance, nutritional deficiencies, weight gain or weight loss. 

These symptoms are your body’s immune system communicating to you an inflammatory response that something is not quite right.

If left unchecked, this inflammation can produce further symptoms of pain and discomfort throughout your body. These symptoms include migraines, chronic fatigue, thyroid fluctuations, hyperthyroid and hypothyroid, annoying backache and arthritic like symptoms. 

back pain

If further left unchecked, symptoms can progress further, and autoimmune diseases can develop such as; fibromyalgia, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s, Hashimoto’s, Thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus plus many more.

As leaky gut syndrome progresses, if you do nothing, your quality of life can soon deteriorate as the rate of pain and inflammation increases in your body.

If you think you might be experiencing symptoms of the leaky gut syndrome, or know someone that has, and would like to Discover ways to heal a Leaky Gut, then I invite you to download your Free Copy of the

5-Ways to Heal a Leaky Gut Now!

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1. Cut out toxic foods from your diet

Gluten, dairy, sugar, processed foods, genetically modified foods (GMO), alcohol and chemicals like glyphosate (weed killer) sprayed on fresh foods that kill beneficial gut bacteria.

These are the most common toxins that cause harm to gut health due to their acidic nature. Prolonged & excessive use of these can cause the leaky gut syndrome.

For a fully comprehensive list of acidic foods, drinks, contaminants and toxins to remove from your diet, and heal leaky gut syndrome, you can find them listed in the 

 If you haven’t already, download your Free Copy Now!

2. Reduce Stress

When you become stressed, stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol release into your body. 

These stress hormones cause the tight intersections in your stomach to become unstuck and allow undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream and cause the leaky gut syndrome.

When you reduce stress through meditation and relaxation techniques, stress hormones diminish, and tight junctions can start to heal.

3. Take digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes can help relieve the burden of a leaky gut by breaking down carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Take a digestive enzyme with each meal, to support digestion and moderate symptoms. Please bear in mind that this does not fix the underlying problem of the leaky gut syndrome, but does help to manage the condition.

4. Consume healthy fats

Every single cell in your body contains a phospholipid (fat) membrane. Therefore, healthy fats are essential to support cell growth, repair and development.

Consuming a variety of healthy fats in the diet, along with other healing nutrients, helps to speed up the repair time and lower inflammation in a leaky gut.

Consume a variety of healthy fats such as coconut & MCT oil, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocados, chia seeds and freshwater fish.

5. Increase gut-healing nutrients

To heal the gut lining and seal the tight intersections back together, consider using gut-healing nutrients such as turmeric, zinc and omega-3 supplements. 

These are just some of the many gut-healing nutrients. For a for the full list of recommended nutrients to heal your gut, please refer to the

Looking for more help?

If you are looking for more support to speed up healing of the leaky gut syndrome, and reverse autoimmune disease consider rebalancing energy frequencies in your body with the Healy Medical device. FDA approved in Europe this device emits 144,000 frequencies of energy directed straight to areas in the body where it is most needed to correct cellular imbalances using quantum physics technology.

Discover more on how you can correct cellular imbalances with quantum physics technology and heal a leaky gut now. 

Learn More about the Healy Medical Device

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